[ July 22, 2019 by admin 0 Comments ]

Round up of the best reactions to Digital Health Summer Schools 2019

It’s been a busy few days and to keep the Digital Health Summer Schools buzz going, we’ve rounded up some of the best reactions and tweets.


After a packed two days of keynotes and workshops, Digital Health Summer Schools 2019 has come to an end.

It’s been a busy few days and to keep the Digital Health Summer Schools buzz going, we’ve rounded up some of the best reactions and tweets that have been posted over the last few days.

On Thursday attendees heard international keynotes from Nick Adkins, John Halamka and Margunn Aenestad.

Day one also saw the launch of the Shuri Network, which aims to support and encourage women of black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds in digital health roles.


Day two kicked off with CCIO Network chair, Dr Joe McDonald, who looked back at his time as chair of the Network in a talk that included plenty of musical references.

Delegates also heard from NHSX CEO, Matthew Gould, who answered questions ranging from reducing the burdens on clinicians, to the Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) programme.

As we headed towards the afternoon sessions, the CIO track heard from Will Smart, who offered food for thought on his time as CIO of NHS England, ahead of his departure from the organisation later this year.

Thanks to everyone who attended Digital Health Summer Schools 2019 and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year.