According to recent KLAS research, 88% of clinicians who are very satisfied with their organisation’s EPR are likely to stay with their current employer proving that optimising your EPR can provide long-term benefits. Join this Imprivata workshop to explore different strategies for extending the value of your EPR using mobility and connected devices. Hear from Imprivata customers about implementing a mobile first strategy and the impact this has on effective EPR implementation, adoption and ROI. Discuss the importance of a clinician-informed strategy that emphasises smooth and secure access for your staff and supports more advanced workflows to support better patient care.

    Hosted by:



    Andy Wilcox

    senior solutions marketing manager, Imprivata
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    Daniel_Johnston_2024 (1)

    Daniel Johnston

    senior clinical workflow specialist, International Markets, Imprivata
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    Fozia Mussa

    Fozia Mussa

    digital midwife, Blackpool Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; and Shuri Network Digital Fellow
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    Laura Mumby

    Laura Mumby

    deputy director for digital and technology, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
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    July 18 @ 13:30
    13:30 — 14:30

    Andy Wilcox, Daniel Johnston, Fozia Mussa, Laura Mumby
