Deep dive: Digital Health Networks mentoring programme
    Learn about the Digital Health Networks Advisory Panels’ commitment to supporting the next generation of digital leaders and their belief in the value of mentoring to grow and develop the community. Discover the transformative power of the mentoring programme as we explore its unique structure, inspiring narratives from mentors and mentees, notable achievements, and the challenges overcome along the way. Gain valuable insights into the future of the programme and its impact on the informatics field.


    Helen_Balsdon_Photo (1)

    Helen Balsdon

    Interim CNIO – NHS England
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    Ayesha Rahim

    Clinical Lead for Digital Mental Health – NHSE
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    Sarah Homewood

    Clinical Lead for Digital Health Transformation – Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHSFT
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    Euan McComiskie

    Health informatics Lead – Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
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    Dr Joya Bhattacharyya

    CCIO – Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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    Michelle or Adjoa

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    July 27 @ 13:45
    13:45 — 14:45

    Ayesha Rahim, Dr Joya Bhattacharyya, Euan McComiskie, Helen Balsdon, Sarah Homewood
