Deep dive: Digital Health Networks mentoring programme
Learn about the Digital Health Networks Advisory Panels’ commitment to supporting the next generation of digital leaders and their belief in the value of mentoring to grow and develop the community. Discover the transformative power of the mentoring programme as we explore its unique structure, inspiring narratives from mentors and mentees, notable achievements, and the challenges overcome along the way. Gain valuable insights into the future of the programme and its impact on the informatics field.
Helen Balsdon
Interim CNIO – NHS England
Helen’s work seeks to ensure that nursing practice is supported by digital technology and data science and that nurses are equipped to work and lead in an digitally enabled environment.
Prior to joining the team, Helen was CNIO/Head of Nursing at Cambridge University Hospitals. This was a strategic role working across the organisation providing clinical leadership for all aspects of informatics including adoption and use of new ways of working using technology.
Helen is passionate about using technology to support the delivery of high quality, evidence-based care and empowering patients in managing their own health record.
Ayesha Rahim
Clinical Lead for Digital Mental Health – NHSE
Sarah Homewood
Clinical Lead for Digital Health Transformation – Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHSFT
Euan McComiskie
Health informatics Lead – Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Euan qualified as a Physiotherapist in 2007 and has been involved in digital since 2012. Across many roles in his career, he has improved informatics knowledge and skills in the physiotherapy profession and driven informatics inclusion in policy and strategy. He is Health informatics Lead at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Clinical Lead for Physiotherapy at ORCHA and a Fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics.