Join the debate on where ICBs and ICSs should concentrate their time, effort, and funds on digital enabled transformation. We will provide details of the results of a recent survey of networks, about the key issues and ask your opinions on what we should feedback to NHS England about our priorities for new investment.

Chair: Paul Charnley
digital lead, Healthy Wirral Partners

Chair: Dr Alec Price-Forbes
consultant rheumatologist and clinical Lead for rheumatology, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS FT

John Mitchell
associate director of digital, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB
John has enjoyed over 20 years in the NHS Health Space, working within Primary Care, CCG, ICB and Support Services arenas.
A champion for connected systems and data, John is keen to empower clinicians and patients by ensuring that they have access to the right information to support their requirements.

Linda Vernon
head of digital empowerment, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
An advanced physiotherapy practitioner by background, Linda Vernon is interim Digital Culture and Transformation Clinical Lead across Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS. Passionate about upstream population health, co-production and empowering individuals and communities, Linda leads digital programmes supporting social prescribing, self-management and digital inclusion across Lancashire & South Cumbria.

Dr Deepa Shanmugasundaram
CCIO, Mid and South Essex ICS