Whitepaper launch: revolutionising digital communications in the NHS
    Save the fridge magnets! Letters don’t cut it anymore. Patients expect to be communicated with by their preferred choice of route. Join us as we launch a compelling white paper that delves into the current state of digital communications within the NHS through an insightful exploration, we will identify the barriers impeding progress, and examine the limitations on digital interactions with patients, which often rely heavily on more traditional methods. This session will show the value in building a rich, nuanced view of patients, and how they respond to different communications; thereby ensuring greater understanding, better engagement, increased efficiency, and reducing the burden on staff.

    Chair: Jon Hoeksma, CEO – Digital Health

    Simon Eccles

    VP and Chief Health Officer (EMEA) – Salesforce
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    Rhidian Hurle

    CCIO – NHS Wales
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    Rachel Hutchings

    Fellow – Nuffield Trust
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    Peter Thomas

    CCIO – Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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    Jon Hoeksma

    CEO – Digital Health
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    July 27 @ 15:25
    15:25 — 16:25

    Peter Thomas, Rachel Hutchings, Simon Eccles
