[ February 22, 2019 by admin 0 Comments ]


Stand B33

DrDoctor is a digital health company which empowers patients to view, change and schedule outpatient appointments themselves, online, on smartphone or by conversational SMS. DrDoctor uses pragmatic, common-sense technology to profoundly change the way healthcare is delivered by bringing the patient in the room.

Currently deployed across 22 major hospitals around the UK including Guy’s and St Thomas’ & Great Ormond Street, to date we have saved the NHS millions of pounds and 3000 years’ worth of missed appointments.

DrDoctor is creating fundamental disruption in healthcare by focusing on the patient and bringing them into every interaction so that healthcare can focus on what people need rather than what they’re told they need.

Tel: 0844 802 6206
Email: hello@drdoctor.co.uk

Twitter: @WeAreDrDoctor
Instagram: @WeAreDrDoctor