[ April 25, 2022 by Kardelen Yuce 0 Comments ]

CNIOs and Digital Nurses centre stage at Summer Schools

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National CNIO Natasha Phillips is making a return to Summer Schools 2022 with digital nurses centre stage on the programme.

At Summer Schools 2019 Natasha, then CNIO at UCL NHS FT, was voted Digital Health CNIO of the year. Natasha went on to become the first national CNIO and has since helped galvanise the digital nursing community, including the first Digital Nursing Summit at Rewired last month.

Run over two-days Summer Schools is the annual residential event dedicated to bringing current and future NHS leaders together for best practice, collaboration and networking. If you are a current CNIO or aspire to be a future nursing digital leader you’ll both learn a lot and get a lot of support by attending Summer Schools.

This is what past nursing attendees have said about Summer Schools:

“Really good balance of speakers and the opportunities for networking are unparalleled compared to other conference/study events.” 
Jo Dickson Chief Nurse, NHS Digital

“My first experience of summer school has left me so inspired and enthused within my role. I found every aspect of the event both interesting and exciting.” 
Phillipa Wakefield CNIO, Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust

“I had a brilliant experience, and I am so pleased that I made the effort to come. I met lots of wonderful people who all talk the same language as I do, I felt like I had found my clan.” 
Sharon Webb CNIO, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS FT

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