Jordi Piera Jimenez
Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office, Catalan Health Service
Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office, Catalan Health Service
The main goal of the Digital Health Strategy for Catalonia is to develop a citizen-centred, data-driven information system that offers a cohesive view of health and facilitates the continuity of care, regardless of the care provider. This new model must provide professionals with accessible, high-quality, clinically relevant information. The approach to data management and the technological framework should encourage the expansion of new healthcare delivery models, enable the automation of routine tasks, and improve patients’ access to information, thus facilitating their interaction with the health system. Technologically, this strategy is built on the paradigm of open platforms in health as first defined by the Apperta Foundation in 2017. We are talking about an information system where data and services are built on an open standards model. This approach facilitates the accessibility and sharing of data and services between different systems and actors, thus encouraging the deployment and scalability of innovation. This session will focus on the Digital Health Strategy for Catalonia, including its objectives, technological approach, and current implementation status. Furthermore, we will learn about the main achievements and challenges ahead.