Scott Andrew
Healthcare Industry Director for the UK & Ireland, Dell Technologies
A critical focus is in working with the NHS to develop and deliver digital transformation strategies across the NHS to improve clinical outcomes, patient safety, care and quality. In this role, Scott delivers strategic leadership, and with his team of technology specialists from across Dell Technologies, Scott builds and delivers change and transformation solutions to overcome often complex business challenges across the NHS. He has a detailed understanding of what challenges are being faced on the front line, having spent time working in the NHS and in shadowing staff within these organisation. Scott has a specific expertise in healthcare informatics. Scott re-joined Dell Technologies from Google in 2022, after four years previously at Dell Technologies as Regional Director of Healthcare. He holds a Degree in Business and Finance.

Emma Arrowsmith
Digital Matron, County Durham and Darlington FT
Emma Arrowsmith is the Digital Matron at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust. Digital is at the heart of healthcare delivery throughout the Organisation and Emma, with the Digital Health Team, are providing education, support and developing digital technology to support the care they provide.
Emma is the current chair of the National Digital Shared Decision Making Council with members spanning each region in England who are all working in digital roles as Nurses, Midwives or Students. Members of the Digital Shared Decision Making Councils will be attending Summer School to share some learning, ideas and a call to action.

Dr Lia Ali
CCIO advisory panel member, Digital Health

Dr Minal Bakhai
director of primary care transformation, NHS England
Dr Minal Bakhai is the Director of Primary Care Transformation at NHS England. She is a practicing GP, working at an inner-city London practice for over 12 years.
Minal has a unique portfolio with experience stretching across national policy, strategy, industry, research and leadership of large-scale change and digital transformation. Additionally, she has been an expert advisor at NICE appraising the effectiveness of health technology.
She is passionate about enabling high quality, sustainable primary and community services. Most recently enabling modern general practice and leading the national general practice improvement programme, which is evidence-led, data driven and deeply rooted in clinical practice – working in partnership with systems, PCNs, practices and communities to drive locally led transformation and improvement and support the realisation of the biggest benefits in the shortest timeframe.

Dr Karl Bennett
Senior Partner, Oakley Health Group
Having been GP IT lead for North East Hants and Farnham CCG since 2013 he has continued the role for Frimley ICB whose round of successive restructuring meant his experience of mergers proved invaluable.
Karl’s main interest is in widespread primary care transformation in order to improve access to a comprehensive level of care for patients while creating a sustainable practice and stimulating environment for staff. He also daydreams about a future in which primary and secondary care becomes deeply integrated.

Frances Beadle
Chief Nursing Information Officer, Digital Health and Care Wales
Currently CNIO at Digital Health and Care Wales where Fran has been instrumental in the introduction and development of nursing and midwifery, national data/information standards, clinical informatics roles in Welsh health boards and trusts in Wales. Throughout her tenure in Wales, Fran has advised and led in the development of nursing documentation standards, policies and guidelines at local and national levels.
Fran’s unique mix of nursing knowledge and technical ability have translated into transformative improvements for patients and clinicians; resulting in Innovation and improvement awards in both the user and patient categories. Fran holds an MSc in Health Informatics alongside her Registered Nurse qualification and has presented at international and local conferences on the subject of clinical informatics.
Currently Chair of the British Computer Society (BCS) nursing committee, Member of the WNMC and Executive Nurse Directors forums and Welsh representative on the 5 Nations Nursing Informatics Group.

Jacqueline Bzdyk
Head of Service for the National Clinical Safety Assurance Service, NHS Scotland

Prof Liz Breen
director, digital health enterprise zone, professor of health service operations, University of Bradford
Liz’s research focuses on improvement and sustainability in service supply chains with a specific interest in pharmaceutical supply chains. Her work aims to better understand the complexity of supply chain systems and learnings within and between supply chains. Projects focusing directly on the pharmaceutical supply chain explore areas such as medicines shortages, medicines optimisation and waste management, digitisation, supply chain risk and patient safety.
Liz has undertaken extensive media engagement discussing the creation and deployment of Covid-19 vaccines within the UK and globally. This work has been cited in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and South America and Australia and in key media outlets such as The Guardian, Time Magazine and Forbes.

Adrian Byrne
As a CIO for one of the large university teaching hospitals I have promoted the concept of open platforms and interoperability for over 20 years. Aside from being DH AP Chair, 2010-2021, I have acted in an advisory capacity to KLAS and a number of suppliers to the NHS and INTEROPen.
As chair of the CIO network I feel we have had good engagement from the national teams in NHSD/X and have had opportunity to voice an opinion which I believe has occasionally influenced a product, policy or direction. A member of the BCS and accredited CHCIO status.

Bernadette Clarke
co-curator, One Health Tech
This is both via Outcome Based Solution models as well as a contingent model. She is an organiser of Her Plus Data Meet Up in Manchester, a female-only women-in-data meet-up group that works with the female data
community in the North West to empower, mentor, and support women with a passion for data and more broadly technology-focused work. Bernadette is also a mentor for WIR – Women in Recruitment.
She has worked in the recruitment sector since 2005. Managing the delivery of talent to a variety of organisations from one or two contractors right through to complex large-scale projects. Her experience straddles both the Private and Public Sectors, the last two years being solely NHS organisations. She is the Co-Curator for One Health Tech Manchester.

Peter Coates
Managing Director, The Apperta Foundation

Anita Chinda
assistant director of programmes, frontline digitisation support offer, Transformation Directorate NHS England
She also freelances as an Associate Consultant undertaking investigative analysis work on organisational issues primarily in the voluntary and academic sectors, aimed at promoting inclusivity and organisational excellence.

Dr Shera Chok
Founder and Chair, The Shuri Network
She started the Shuri Network in 2019 as she is passionate about increasing diversity, innovation and safety and to encourage other women from minority ethnic groups to lead and engage with digital transformation. She was awarded the international Richard von Weizsäcker Fellowship by the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin in 2023 to examine the German digital health strategy and help develop new insights that will help health systems deliver more equitable and innovative care.
Shera has held national leadership roles with NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care, helping to develop and implement health policy, new models of care and Integrated Care Systems.
Shera has volunteered as a clinician in countries including Sudan, Laos, Indonesia and Greece with NGOs working in war and disaster zones and with displaced populations. She studied at the Institute of Healthcare Improvement, Kennedy School of Government and the Harvard School of Public Health on the NHS Executive Fast Track programme and has completed an M.B.A., M.A. in Inter-professional Education and a Nuffield Trust Fellowship on cross-organisational learning with Sunderland Athletic Football Club.

Andrew Davey
distinguished solutions engineer, Office of the CTO, Salesforce
Working on some of the most complex estates, Andrew focuses on delivering success in business outcomes by aligning people, processes, and technology.

Dr Charlotte Deasy
Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist, Associate CCIO CNTW and Regional Clinical Lead for Dementia and Older People’s Mental Health, NHS England
Charlotte is a Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist at Newcastle Memory Assessment and Management Service at Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW). She was appointed Associate CCCIO in 2022 and has pioneered changes to the EPR including total revision of electronic documentation of assessment and examination, and greater interoperability. This has impacted over 6000 users saving clinical time, improving accessibility of pertinent information and aiding information sharing to external partners.
Regionally she is Clinical Lead for Dementia and Older Adult’s Mental Health at NHS England North-East and Yorkshire. Nationally she is an elected member of the RCPsych Digital Special interest group, and has provided clinical and professional advice to the Care Quality Commission, National Confidential Enquiry to Patient Outcome and Death, National Audit of Dementia and NICE.

Dr Paul Deffley
Chief Medical Officer, Alcidion
Paul is the UK Chief Medical Officer for Alcidion. He is a senior clinician with over 20 years NHS experience supporting or leading digital transformation across organisations ranging from NHS Providers, commissioning bodies, not-for-profit social enterprises and national organisations. Passionate about the human factors needed for successful digital transformation, Paul has led the successful adoption of digital programmes and helped create award winning digital products in community and acute hospital settings.

Daniel Eyre
Vice President, Business Development, CereCore International
Daniel Eyre is responsible for business development for CereCore International and is focused on building the CereCore brand in the UK and other international markets. He has worked in healthcare for nearly 25 years and gained experience on implementing technology solutions while working within the NHS and in the private sector for EPR vendors and Nuance. Dan also worked for the consulting firm CapGemini on central government projects as well as healthcare organisations and witnessed the time savings that healthcare technology can bring to patient care and back-office employees. He brings this varied experience to work in partnership with organisations to help them deal with their pain points in the most appropriate and economical way. Dan attended Leeds Metropolitan University where he studied Systems Analysis and Design.

Prof Graham Evans
executive chief digital and infrastructure officer and Senior Risk Owner (SIRO), NHS North East & North Cumbria ICB
Graham has held a number of national and regional leadership roles in the NHS relating to health informatics. Graham commenced his NHS career with North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust in June 2004 as the director of Information Management and Technology (IM&T).
Graham’s former NHS roles include; Chief Information Officer and director of informatics for the North East Strategic Health Authority, Director of Corporate Services and Corporate Chief Information Officer for NHS England.

David Elliot
CDIO, Northumbria Healthcare NHS FT
David Elliott is Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trusts, Executive Chief Digital Information Officer leading on IT Strategy including the Digital and Data developments across the trust. As part of the executive team and trust board, he brings over 17 years of technology transformation experience spanning the private sector in board level roles from the Energy sector through to hospitality and retail brands.

Lisa Emery
chief transformation, innovation and digital officer, NHS Sussex
Lisa has been CIO at the Royal Marsden since August 2018, overseeing a comprehensive programme of digital transformation, having previously been CIO at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust from 2014. She started her career in the NHS as a Biomedical Scientist (Microbiology) before moving into a variety of technology roles within healthcare, including a stint in Dubai.
Lisa is currently Chair of both the London CIO Council and the Digital Health CIO Advisory Panel.

Dr Simon Eccles
VP and Chief Health Officer (EMEA), Salesforce
Dr Simon Eccles is a Vice President and the Chief Health Officer for Europe at Salesforce. He works to help public sector health and health and life sciences to understand the offer and value of the Salesforce platform; and works within the company to refine our delivery against the specific requirements of healthcare.
Prior to joining Salesforce he was the Chief Clinical Information Officer at NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care, and the deputy CEO at NHSX. Over six years, Simon was responsible for most of the national portfolio of digital transformation programmes at national level across the NHS. He still works as an honorary Emergency Department Consultant in London having worked as a doctor in the NHS for 30 years. He lives in London with his family, collects eclectic classic cars and has written a couple of books.

Nic Fox
director of commercial delivery and governance, NHS England

Clive Flashman
chief digital officer, Patient Safety Learning
Clive has deep knowledge of the health, care and charity sectors has been involved with Patient Safety since he helped to establish the National Patient Safety Agency in 2002.
Clive is currently Managing Director, Flashfuture Consulting Ltd, Chief Digital Officer at Patient Safety Learning, and Director of Strategy at ORCHA. He is the co-founder of Trade Aide (internationalisation services) and Bidshaper (grant application support).
He mentors for TheHill, Sheffield Hallam University AWRC, the Global Longitude Prize for Dementia, Edinburgh University Fast Exec initiative & NHS England Clinical Entrepreneurship Programme, as well as being a Board Adviser/ Non-Exec for SEHTA and The Picker Institute. Previously he was President of the Digital Health Council of the Royal Society of Medicine, Chair of a WHO committee and global co-chair of an HL7 group.

Paul Frank
operations and performance director, County Durham and Darlington NHS FT

Will Goodwin
assistant director of programmes, NHS England
Will Goodwin is the Assistant Director of Digital Maturity and Capabilities within NHS England’s Transformation Directorate’s multi-billion pound Frontline Digitisation programme. He is an experienced digital leader with over a decade in the technology industry and led the What Good Frame work which defined the digital ‘north star’ for ICS and NHS Trusts. He is currently delivering the digital maturity assessment of the NHS in England which will support local systems to level up.
Will has a proven track record of delivering large-scale digital transformation initiatives and has led multi-disciplinary teams in the development and implementation of complex technology programs. He has extensive experience in managing the complete lifecycle of digital projects, from strategy and planning to execution and delivery.
Throughout his career, Will has demonstrated his ability to drive innovation and improve operational efficiency, resulting in significant cost savings. He has a deep understanding of digital technology and is passionate about using it as a transformational enabler to improve health and care outcomes.

Dr John Greenaway
Consultant Gastroenterologist, The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough
Dr John Greenaway is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough. His clinical focus has been on developing robust processes to promote safe patient care. This includes a structured CliniSys WebICE pro-forma to request endoscopic procedures utilising national guidance to guide a referrer through the process whilst assuring patient safety in relation to co-morbidities and direct the use of antithrombotic drug and diabetic treatment depending upon the procedure. John chairs the productivity and digital development sub-group of the regional endoscopy group and represents this body on the NENC Digital Diagnostics Board.
John is also one of South Tees’ deputy CCIOs with responsibility for the Trust’s inpatient noting in the Alcidion MIYA platform. He is proud to work as part of the small but dedicated digital team with Alcidion colleagues on the journey to produce an excellent EPR platform for South Tees.

Dr Richard Glennie
GP and chair, Northumberland LMC and associate CCIO for North East and North Cumbria ICB
Richard is a practising GP with over 25 years of clinical, practice management and front-line IT expertise. He was appointed as a CCIO for Northumberland CCG 7 years ago and is currently working as an Associate CCIO for North East and North Cumbria ICB. He is elected Chair of Northumberland LMC and Vice Chair of the North East Regional LMC. Richard is committed to delivering front-line clinical systems that help clinicians deliver high quality patient facing care.

Andrew Greenway
Managing Director, Public Digital
He is an expert in digital strategy and reform in government and public services. He led the UK Government’s work to create new digital guidelines and standards, a model now used in many governments worldwide.
Andrew is highly experienced in carrying out reviews of major government programmes to support efficient and cost-effective delivery of public services. He has provided strategic advice on digital transformation to ministers and senior government leaders in public administrations as diverse as Canada, Peru, Australia and Japan.
Andrew has worked with the government of British Columbia to conduct independent reviews of challenged large-scale IT programmes, as well as leading reforms to the government’s approach to funding digital and technology.
He has also worked with senior leaders in the Nova Scotia government for several years, helping them turn around technology programmes, deliver crucial services during the pandemic, and scale the digital team from a small innovation unit to an 800-person and $200m budget department.
A former senior civil servant, Andrew is passionate about public service reform in the UK and beyond. His writing on this subject has been published widely, including in the Guardian and the Spectator, and he was the driving force behind Public Digital’s book, Digital Transformation at Scale: Why the Strategy Is Delivery. This has become the recognised reference text for digital government, selling more than ten thousand copies. He has spoken on the topic at conferences around the world.
Andrew is also a non-executive at the University of Exeter, a global top 150 university, where he is a member of Council and supports the university’s executive team to bolster the organisation’s digital practices.

Jules Gudgeon
National Chief Midwifery Information Officer, NHS England
With over 30 years of midwifery experience, Jules Gudgeon is a key player in advancing digital technology in maternity care, post the 2015 National Maternity Review by Baroness Cumberlege. Leading roles in the NHS Digital Maternity Programme and the creation of the award-winning Digital Midwives Expert Reference Group, now the Digital Maternity Leaders community, showcases her commitment to collaborative efforts in the digital maternity landscape.
As the National Chief Midwifery Information Officer at NHS England, she was a 2023 HSJ Clinical Leader of the Year Award finalist. In 2024, Jules persists in advocating for digital leadership and addressing the maternity digital divide with #FixTheDigitalDivide #DigitalMaternity.

James Hawkins
Chief Digital Information Officer, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
James is a highly experienced digital, technology and business leader who has led and delivered some of the highest profile digital programmes, products and services in the UK. James is currently the Chief Digital and Information Officer at York and Scarborough NHS Foundation Trust and prior to that he had several different roles on the executive team at NHS Digital and has been central to the delivery of many of the national NHS IT systems and services.

Stacey Hatton
CNIO, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT
Stacey [RGN, BSc, MSc] is the CNIO at the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust.
She has held various digital transformation roles in three large NHS acute trusts since 2017. Before taking up positions in digital transformation, she worked clinically in the Emergency Department, medical wards, and the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement team.
Stacey is a Florence Nightingale Foundation 2022 Digital Scholar and whilst she has been involved in and led several digital transformation projects, she is interested in how to create a digitally positive culture in the NHS and plans to explore this during her FNF year.
In addition to her NHS experience, Stacey also co-founded a health IT company, a clinically-led enterprise developing forward-thinking quality assurance and improvement software. The start-up is on a mission to help clinical colleagues use data to improve patient care.

Katie Heard
head of research and data insights, Good Things Foundation
Before working at Good things Foundation she worked in a wide range of organisations from Versus Arthritis, learndirect and Boots. She is passionate about understanding behaviour, bringing this understanding into the organisations that she works and using this to improve the lives of the target populations and the products and services on offer.
Providing equality of access for all is a driver of all her work and she is leading Good Things foundation on their journey to improve their evaluation work. Listening to underserved audiences and using this to help improve our products and services.

Prof Koos van der Hoeven
medical oncologist and Chair, Oncomid
Koos van der Hoeven has completed his studies in Biology at the Wageningen University (WUR) and later in Medicine at Free University Medical Centre in Amsterdam. He was trained medical oncologist at the University Medical Center and the Netherlands Cancer Institute. He has worked as a medical oncologist at several hospitals. From 2012 till 2015 he was professor and head of the department of Medical Oncology for Leiden University Medical Center. From 2015 till 2019 he had the same position at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen. He was medical director for Hartwig Medical Foundation tfrom 2020 till July 2023. He is member of the supervisory board Dutch Institute of Clinical Auditing (DICA) and member of the advisory board “Innovative Medicines Association”. He is chairman of the regional cancer network Oncomid. This is a regional oncology partnership in which nine hospitals in the central Netherlands join forces. They provide diagnostics and treatment according to the latest insights, share knowledge and experience, and conduct scientific research to improve and innovate care.

Jan Hoogewerf
head of health and care, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
BCS drives professional standards in informatics and supports the development of digital skills at all career stages, with the aim of achieving an effective and ethical digital workforce. Jan’s priorities in her BCS role are to create opportunities to develop the skills and experience needed by those working in health and social care informatics and to support professionalisation through promoting professional standards and registration.

Abigail Harrison
Executive Director of Digital and Infrastructure, Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
I am the Chief Digital and Infrastructure Officer at Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust. Prior to this, I held the role of Deputy Director for Quality, Innovation and Improvement and CIO for the North West Ambulance Service. I am passionate about transforming health and care for all people by harnessing technology, data and estates, using a methodologically driven approach to improve the way we deliver services. I am a big advocate for clinical leadership and co-design with patients, providing the space for staff, patients and technical teams to work together to generate and test ideas.
I have a unique understanding and combined experience of digital, estates, mental health, improvement and NHS regulatory requirements over my 20 years in the NHS. I have worked nationally, regionally and for providers. I have worked alongside some of the world’s leading healthcare improvers and thought leaders and developed partnerships with industry, academia and health and social care to deliver change. I am passionate about leading teams to deliver standards and governance ensuring safety and security whilst enabling change and doing this thorough collaboration and partnerships where we bring people together to deliver on shared goals.

Jon Hoeksma
Chief Executive, Digital Health
Jon is the founder and CEO of Digital Health, the health IT B2B news, research and events publisher and professional networks specialist. He previously co-founded and edited eHealth Insider, and is a leading journalist, commentator and thought leader on UK health IT. In 2014 he led the trade sale of eHealth insider to Informa Plc.
Achievements of note include: founding the UK CCIO movement, from launch of CCIO campaign in 2011 to development and growth of CCIO Networks and community; the development of Digital Health Networks – centred on CCIO and CIO Networks – as the leading independent online best practice community of NHS IT professionals – 5,000+ members as of November 2020; plus growing Digital Health Summer Schools into the premier health IT leadership event in UK; and launching Digital Health Rewired in March 2019 as the most dynamic and compelling Expo in digital health space.

Sue Jacques
Chief Executive, County Durham and Darlington NHS FT
Sue Jacques has been with County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust since 1997 and in the role as Chief Executive since 2012. She is a past president and trustee of the HFMA (Healthcare Financial Management Association).
County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust is a large integrated acute and community provider that works closely with partners in local authorities and primary care. It employs almost 8000 staff and serves a population of some 650,000.
Sue chairs the CRN NENC Partnership Group (Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria), sits on the Boards of the AHSN and is chair of the NHS Pension Scheme, Scheme Advisory Board.

Dr Jordi Piera Jimenez
Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office, Catalan Health Service
Dr Jordi Piera-Jiménez is dually trained in Computer Science Engineering and Business Management by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He also holds an MSc in Telemedicine, a PhD in Medical Informatics from the Open University of Catalonia, and an MBA from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. In the acadèmic field, Jordi is associate professor in informatics at the Open University of Catalonia, the DS3 research group’s principal investigator lead and is affiliated with the IDIBELL research institute. Jordi is currently the Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office at the Catalan Health Service and Director at openEHR International.

Daniel Johnston
Senior Clinical Workflow Specialist, International Markets, Imprivata
Daniel has assumed a range of leadership roles in emergency care provision in both clinical and R&D positions in the NHS, Harvard University Hospitals and the Health IT industry.
Daniel has occupied management and operational roles directing frontline services to meet the contemporary challenges in healthcare provisions. He is also a recipient of a NIHR Clinical Research Fellowship award at Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery and is Imprivata’s Clinical Safety Officer.
Daniel continues to be active within the nursing community, championing the development of Nursing Chief Information Officer role at a national and European level, with involvement in GDE Nursing & Midwifery Learning and HIMSS Europe Nursing Informatics Communities.

Ben Jeeves
associate chief clinical information officer and clinical safety officer, Midlands Partnership University NHS FT

Paul Jones
CDIO, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS FT
Paul is the Chief Digital Information Officer at Leeds Teaching Hospitals, where he leads a team of 450 digital and information staff. He has held senior, digital roles in the public and private sector over the last twenty-years including CTO for the NHS in England and Group CIO at Serco.

Jemima Kola-Abodunde
digital health manager, physiotherapist, PUBLIC

Anji Kingman
Clinical Outcomes Manager, Northumbria Healthcare
Anji is passionate about PROMs and using the resulting data to improve patient care as well as to inform clinical practice and is co-ordinator for The National PROMs Network.
She is the PROMs & Admin Lead for the development of openOutcomes (an open standard, open-source platform for the collection, recording and reporting of PROMs) and is a member of openEHR International
In addition, Anji is the PROMs and administration lead for the UK Bone and Joint Infection Registry, a member of its steering committee, and the newly formed BOA affiliated Bone and Joint Infection Society (BAJIS) and enjoys working alongside leading clinicians with a special interest in this area.

Ramandeep Kaur
chief clinical information officer, University Hospitals of Northamptonshire NHS Group

Prof David Lowe
clinical director innovation, University of Glasgow, and clinical lead for health innovation, CSO Scottish Government

Debbie Loke
EPR director/CIO, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS FT

Laura Mumby
Deputy director for digital and Technology at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

Fozia Mussa
digital midwife, Blackpool Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; and Shuri Network Digital Fellow
Fozia successfully led the implementation of the maternity electronic care record and works closely with digital and technical colleagues to ensure that new projects and innovations improve front line care, giving staff access to the right systems in the right way.
Fozia is proud to be a member of the Digital Midwives Expert Reference Group, and a Shuri Network Digital Fellow, being part of the first cohort of Midwives to enrol in the programme.

Misbah Mahmood
deputy chief midwifery information officer, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS FT

Dr Tom Micklewright
clinical lead for digital transformation, Cheshire and Merseyside ICS
Dr Tom Micklewright is a GP, Primary Care Digital Transformation Lead for Cheshire and Merseyside ICB and Medical Director at ORCHA, the world’s leading digital health quality management platform. Previously, Tom has held senior positions within the British Medical Association and helped lead one of Europe’s largest telehealth providers to work with the NHS and to safely integrate with NHS clinical IT systems. His passion is patient empowerment. To this end, he regularly writes and speaks on citizen-facing digital health and has launched a school-based mental health programme in Merseyside.

Shauna McMahon
CIO, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS FT
Shauna is currently the Chief Information Officer at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. experience working in the Canadian Healthcare system. She relocated to the UK in late 2015 to join Frimley Health as their CIO and then went on to be a Partner in Digital Transformation Consulting at South Central & West CSU.
The role she held before coming to the UK was Director of Technology & Infrastructure Renewal at a District Health Authority in Canada. In this role she provided leadership for IT infrastructure, facility planning & all construction, commercial leasing, capital planning and clinical engineering across 8 hospitals and 26 community health care centres.
Shauna is passionate about the positive impact effective digital transformation can have in the health and care system. As a leader she is grounded in the belief that healthy relationships with people are key to success, in combination with a positive attitude to lead and coach teams to achieve and exceed results and targeted deliverables. This in combination with attention to continuous learning she believes are critical components of being a successful Leader.

John Mitchell
associate director of digital, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB
A champion for connected systems and data, John is keen to empower clinicians and patients by ensuring that they have access to the right information to support their requirements.

Euan McComiskie
health informatics lead, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Prof Joe McDonald
medical director, Parsek
Former National Clinical Lead for IT. Former CCIO at England’s largest Mental Health Trust. Former director of Connected Health Cities, North East and North Cumbria and founding Director of the Great North Care Record. Former chairman of the CCIO Leaders Network. Joe is a founding Fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics. He was visiting professor of Health Informatics Practice at Newcastle University, England.

Simon Noel
Head of Nursing Informatics (CNIO), Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust

Dr Dermot O’Riordan
chief medical information officer, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (Ipswich and Colchester)
Dermot O’Riordan was recently appointed as joint Chief Medical Information Officer in ESNFT (Ipswich and Colchester) to help with the procurement and then implementation of a new EPR. Previously, Dermot was CCIO in West Suffolk NHSFT from 2014-2023 where he played a major role in successfully procuring and implementing a new EPR, culminating in being awarded GDE status. Dermot still practices as a consultant surgeon in West Suffolk. He was previously medical director and interim CEO. Dermot is an existing active member of the DH CCIO Advisory Panel & previously elected member of council of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics.

Dan Prescott
former CIO, Manchester University, NHS FT
Dan leads digital transformation initiatives within the healthcare sector, leveraging his deep expertise to enhance patient services and outcomes. He oversees the integration of advanced IT solutions, manages large scale digital projects, and ensures the delivery of high-quality, cost-effective, and secure healthcare IT systems. Dan is an advocate for clinical informatics and is dedicated to healthcare IT initiatives and this commitment ensures that clinicians remain at the heart of these technological advancements. Dan spearheads digital initiatives that improve operational efficiencies and patient care quality, advancing Nordic’s mission to provide cutting edge healthcare technology solutions.

Caroline Palmer
clinical lead, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
Caroline is the Clinical Lead for the Digital Health Transformation Service leading the scale and spread of innovation nationally, working with NHS and healthcare organisations and services to safely deliver care in innovative way.
Caroline began working on the ChatHealth messaging project in 2012 and went on to launch ChatHealth across the School Nursing service in Leicestershire in 2014 and subsequently across the UK.
In 2021, Caroline completed a fellowship with the NHS Innovation Accelerator and also undertook the NHS Clinical Entrepreneurs Programme. Caroline is passionate about clinical safety, sharing of best practice and ensuring that service users can access healthcare in a way that suits them.
Caroline qualified as a Children’s Nurse in 2007 from Sheffield Hallam University. She worked within the acute care setting up until 2011, and then began work in community services across both School Nursing and Children’s Community Nursing. In 2014 Caroline was awarded the title of Queens Nurse for her work in innovation within the NHS.

John Payne
physician executive, InterSystems; and consultant transplant cardiologist
John works in the NHS as a transplant and mechanical circulatory support cardiologist Glasgow. He graduated from the Scottish Patient Safety Programme in 2013 which sent him on a journey to improve quality and safety in healthcare. In 2016 he took a hybrid position in InterSystems working as a physician executive in a team of clinicians and maintaining his clinical role in NHS. John is passionate about digitisation and quality in healthcare. He spends much of his time visiting clinical areas and talking to front line healthcare staff to understand the challenges to and benefits of digital adoption.

Bobbie Phippin
lead clinical safety officer, The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
My Name is Bobbie Phippin and I am currently the Lead Clinical Safety Officer working at The Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow Essex.
Currently our trust is in the process of implementing a new electronic health record system. No two days are the same. I am available for support and advice for the team working to support the implementation to ensure we are ready for the ‘Go Live’ later this year. I can be found supporting staff, assessing the clinical safety of the system and challenging the team when gaps are found to mitigate any risks at the earliest opportunity.
The role enables me to work with a team who share my passion about ensuring patients are at the centre of everything we do. The new implementation will enable staff to spend more time with their patients and less time documenting in the patient records.
Qualifying as a midwife in 2007, I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of specialities including community, safeguarding and governance before becoming a matron for Gynaecology and maternity bereavement services. This has allowed me to broaden my knowledge and breadth of experience whilst continuing to keep patients and staff at the centre of everything I do.
My motto in life has to be “Think Big, trust yourself and make it happen!”

Sarah Peart-Bentham
Director, Professional Services, CereCore International
Sarah Peart-Bentham is the Director of Professional Services at CereCore International. She has broad and deep knowledge of the Digital Healthcare Business in the Private and Public Sectors with a proven track record of delivering large and complex technology-enabled Transformation programmes. Sarah has extensive experience in ensuring customer satisfaction and delivering programmes from contract negotiation to live service operation.

John Quinn
CIO, NHS England
John joined NHS Digital as Executive Director for IT Operations and Enterprise Services in February 2022, later becoming CIO for the new NHS England.
Prior to joining NHS Digital, John delivered a wide range of programmes and services at the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Department for Education, and across Government.

Dr Jonathan Richardson
chief clinical information officer and consultant old age psychiatrist Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Richardson has been a Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist at Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) since 2007 having graduated from Glasgow University, then trained in Australia and the North East of England.
He has held a range of senior leadership roles within CNTW, including Group Medical Director. He has a MSc in Integrated Service Improvement and completed the NHS Leadership Academy Nye Bevan Programme.
He has had an active involvement in the development of clinical informatics nationally, regionally and locally. He has worked as National Clinical Advisor for Mental Health Informatics with NHS England and was Chair of the RCPsych Informatics Committee from 2010- 2016. He is currently the Chief Clinical Information Officer in CNTW and was in cohort 4 of the NHS Digital Academy. He was an executive member of the RCPsych Old Age Faculty 2018-22 and co- chaired the working group to produce the RCPsych Frailty position Feb 2020.He is currently the RCPsych Associate Registrar for Payment Systems & Outcomes.
He is an educational and clinical supervisor for foundation and higher trainees and completed a Diploma in Medical Education. He has actively supported research via the DeNDRoN network and delivery of NHS portfolio studies.

David Sims
clinical solutions executive, InterSystems
David is a Clinical Solution Executive and has over 20 years’ experience working in Healthcare Information Technology across public and private Healthcare Providers. 9 years with the NHS at the Welsh Blood Service working in the Welsh Transplant and Immunogentics Laboratory delivering solutions to support specialist services in Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (H & I), solid organ and blood stem cell transplant programmes and the Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry. 14 years with InterSystems support the successful deployment and adoption of InterSystems healthcare solutions with a passion for helping to improve healthcare and customer satisfaction.

Stacey Spence
digital transformation EPR programme manager, Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Stacey is EPR Programme Manager at Medway NHS Foundation Trust. She was part of the team responsible for the initial go live of Sunrise EPR back in 2021 and since then has overseen the phased deployment of the system, enabling effective change management at the trust.

Maddie Szekely
Deputy Director of Digital, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
Maddie Szekely is the deputy director of digital at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust. Maddie began her NHS career as an NHS Informatics Graduate Management Trainee, and in her current role has been instrumental in the deployment and configuration of the trusts Sunrise electronic patient record.

Dr Phil Stamp
Regional Clinical Safety Officer, NENC ICS and GNCR
Dr Phil Stamp, an A&E consultant based at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust was appointed as regional Clinical Safety Officer (CSO) for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System in 2022. Phil has been working as Regional CSO for the Great North Care Record (GNCR) programme since 2020 and has been responsible for ensuring the regional data sharing programme is clinically safe.
He has also overseen programmes within his own trust and has a wealth of digital experience having previously been the trust’s Chief Clinical Information Officer. Phil provides clinical expertise and leadership across a range of regional programmes in addition to the GNCR including diagnostics and maternity.
He supports a network of CSOs across the region, ensuring that as a region, the systems we deploy meet national safety requirements, and that they are consistently applied across the North East and North Cumbria.

Jane Tyacke
Director of Strategy, Public Sector Healthcare, Salesforce
Jane is a highly skilled and motivated healthcare consultant with over twenty-five years of experience gained working within both public and private health sectors. Jane has worked on a wide variety of high-profile projects and programmes, delivering innovative business solutions and process improvements to healthcare clients. Jane worked directly for NHS Trusts, major private sector healthcare providers, and leading suppliers of healthcare IT solutions before building a highly successful consulting career.

Andrew Thorn
Nurse Consultant and Associate CCIO Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Andrew qualified as a mental health nurse RMN in 1991 having diverted from his studies in electronics and digital technology in the late 80s to pursue a more caring vocation. A practicing Buddhist, he remains driven by fundamentals of compassion and acceptance of change. His strong interest in emerging technology including AI, biocomputing and sustainability are balanced with a broad and holistic view of health and wellbeing encompassing a very diverse range of both ancient and modern philosophies and practices. His practice is grounded in fundamentals of safe, effective and evidence based care and systematic, outcome measured treatment. He continues to work clinically across Central and North Northumberland.
A qualified independent prescriber, Andrew also has numerous additional qualifications in clinical treatments, research, teaching and leadership including successful completion of the Mary Seacole. Most recently he achieved a distinction in a PG Cert for professional practice in Law (Mental Health).
Having qualified in 91, he worked in Northumberland community services prior to moving to a joint NHS/Charity funded rehab venture for five years. He moved back into an NHS community role in Gateshead, then moved to Tynedale where he worked in primary care for 4 years. Subsequently, Andrew worked in New Zealand as a clinical nurse specialist for 3 years, before returning to the UK and managing an NHS funded care home until he moved back into the trust in inpatient services. He moved to a senior role in IAPT services in 2012 before taking on the role of community Modern Matron for Northumberland and then subsequently moving to his present role as a nurse consultant in 2017.

Ming Tang
Chief Data and Analytics Officer, NHS England
Ming has over 20 years’ experience in managing and delivering large scale change involving implementation of new operating models in complex and challenging environments.
She joined the NHS in October 2009, initially leading commissioning support services in the West Midlands as the Managing Director for Healthcare Commissioning Services and then as the Managing Director for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Commissioning Support Unit.
Ming is currently the Chief Data and Analytics Officer for NHS England responsible for strategic development of data and analytics capability across NHS.

Prabha Vijayakumar
Chief Allied Health Professions Information Officer, NHS England
Prabha Vijayakumar is the Chief Allied Health Professions Information Officer in NHS England. She is a registered Occupational Therapist with over 25 years of experience operating at board level, managing complex projects and business transformations within clinical, health and care services. Prabha also has experience of leadership in reducing inequalities across health and social care.
Prabha in her current role is looking at identifying and bringing together clinical leadership in Informatics across the AHP professions. She is also keen on highlighting AHP involvement within mainstream Clinical Informatics programmes nationally, regionally, and locally. She is keen and looking forward to driving the overarching digital strategy for AHPs at a national level and regional levels, ensuring supported alignment across the systems.

Linda Vernon
interim head of digital empowerment, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
An advanced physiotherapy practitioner by background, Linda Vernon is interim Digital Culture and Transformation Clinical Lead across Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS. Passionate about upstream population health, co-production and empowering individuals and communities, Linda leads digital programmes supporting social prescribing, self-management and digital inclusion across Lancashire & South Cumbria.

Dr Mark Westwood
primary care lead, GNCR
Mark supports the challenge of helping patients seeking care outside of “normal” care environments and enabling better conversations in other care settings. He is ever mindful of the data controller role placed within general practice and wants the region to be proud of the continued development and delivery of the GNCR.

Steve Wilkinson
Project Director, staircase13 Ltd.

Dr Michael Watts
Associate CCIO University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS FT
On a mission to treat patients by the population through Digital Health Innovation, Michael is an NHS doctor, NHS Innovation Accelerator Fellow and MBA Graduate by background. Over the last few years he has been the Co-founder and Managing Director of an award-winning digital health organisation that collaboratively works with NHS trusts, Universities and SMEs to design, build, and scale digital health software solutions, in the hope to empower care providers to boost their digital maturity and unlock their innovative potential.
Michael has extensive experience in supporting NHS organisations design, build and procure digital health ecosystems and understands the importance of digital inclusivity from a patient, workforce and organisational perspective.

Lisa Ward
associate director of nursing (Patient Safety & Governance) and CNIO, County Durham and Darlington NHS FT

Andy Wilcox
Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Imprivata
Andy Wilcox, Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Imprivata is an experienced professional with over 17 years of experience managing and developing healthcare technology products and services for international healthcare markets.
Based in the UK, Andy has held a range of Product Marketing, Product Management, and Business Development positions in industry-leading healthcare technology companies in the UK, driving customer growth and adoption in markets across EMEA and APAC. Andy has worked at Imprivata for five years and has been instrumental in the development of Imprivata’s Digital Identity Framework.

Dr Simon Wallace
Chief Medical Information Officer and Director of Business Strategy, Microsoft
Dr Simon Wallace is the Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) and Director of Business Strategy at Microsoft in the UK and Ireland. Simon has worked as a GP, hospital and public health doctor in Brighton and London. His interest in digital health began in the 90s when he spent a year at the King’s Fund investigating the impact of the internet on shared decision making between patients and their healthcare professional. For the past 20 years, he has worked for a range of organisations including Bupa, Dr Foster, Cerner Corporation and GSK across a range of technologies which include AI-powered speech recognition, electronic patient records, telemedicine, mobile health and lifestyle devices.

Ola Zahran
Chief Technology officer and deputy chair the National Ambulance digital leads, Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
During her career, Ola has played a key role in the development of the digital agenda and healthcare technologies at the Trust, regionally and nationally. She has led on a number of complex national projects for the ambulance sector and wider healthcare community, including the Unified Communications project where she was responsible for supplier engagement and implementation, and was instrumental in sharing learning from the roll-out in Yorkshire to benefit other ambulance services across the country. Ola has also worked at the centre of the integration of the Yorkshire and Humber Care Record, part of NHS England’s Local Health and Care Record Exemplar Programme, enabling frontline ambulance staff, clinical hubs and remote clinical staff to access patients’ full recent medical histories to make more informed decisions around treatment decisions.