[ January 21, 2019 by admin 0 Comments ]


Stand C15

Marand is a company that constantly challenges the existing state of IT solutions in healthcare, invests time and energy into acquiring new knowledge and experience, promotes innovation and teamwork with a single goal – to develop innovative and easy to use healthcare IT products that help care teams save patients’ lives.

Marand’s vision for healthcare IT is coined as “Integrate. Open. Innovate.” Think!EHR Platform is well aligned with this vision as it uses IHE-based standards to integrate existing devices, systems and data. By storing data in an open, vendor-neutral format it enables ecosystems of vendors to innovate. This approach is fueling next generation solutions known as the Postmodern EHR.

Tel: +386 14 703 100
Email: info@marand.si

Twitter: @TEHRplatform
LinkedIn:  Marand