Stamp, Phil

Dr Phil Stamp
Regional Clinical Safety Officer, NENC ICS and GNCR
Dr Phil Stamp, an A&E consultant based at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust was appointed as regional Clinical Safety Officer (CSO) for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System in 2022. Phil has been working as Regional CSO for the Great North Care Record (GNCR) programme since 2020 and has been responsible for ensuring the regional data sharing programme is clinically safe.
He has also overseen programmes within his own trust and has a wealth of digital experience having previously been the trust’s Chief Clinical Information Officer. Phil provides clinical expertise and leadership across a range of regional programmes in addition to the GNCR including diagnostics and maternity.
He supports a network of CSOs across the region, ensuring that as a region, the systems we deploy meet national safety requirements, and that they are consistently applied across the North East and North Cumbria.