The 2024 networks spotlights will address the themes of the next big challenges in digital health and productivity. Attendees will explore the continued evolution and development of existing roles, providing an opportunity for people to share how they are developing the role, and emerging challenges ahead.

Chair: Simon Noel
Head of Nursing Informatics (CNIO), Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust
Simon has worked with clinical informatics for the past 20 years and leads a team of informatics nurses, working collaboratively with clinical, technical and organisational services. Simon is a member of the CNIO advisory panel for Digital Health, he is also on the Faculty of Clinical Informatics working groups for Professionalism, the Office of the CCIO, the FCI Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Panel, and contributed toward the What Good Looks Like Nursing Guidance, participating in the launch at Rewired in 2022.

Prabha Vijayakumar
national chief AHP information Officer, NHS England
Prabha Vijayakumar is the Chief Allied Health Professions Information Officer in NHS England. She is a registered Occupational Therapist with over 25 years of experience operating at board level, managing complex projects and business transformations within clinical, health and care services. Prabha also has experience of leadership in reducing inequalities across health and social care.
Prabha in her current role is looking at identifying and bringing together clinical leadership in Informatics across the AHP professions. She is also keen on highlighting AHP involvement within mainstream Clinical Informatics programmes nationally, regionally, and locally.
She is keen and looking forward to driving the overarching digital strategy for AHPs at a national level and regional levels, ensuring supported alignment across the systems.

Jules Gudgeon
national chief midwifery information officer, NHS England
Jules Gudgeon has been a midwife for over 30 years, championed the use of digital technology during the National Maternity Review and was subsequently appointed the Lead Midwife within the Digital Maternity Programme at NHS Digital.
She was instrumental in the development of the award-winning Digital Midwives Expert Reference Group which aims to support digital leadership across England.
She is now the National Digital Midwife Lead for Maternity Services within the Transformation Directorate at NHS England. Whilst continuing to support digital transformation within maternity Jules is also focused on digital leadership and specifically the specialist role of the digital midwife.