“It is all about the People!” Sir Jim Mackey and Shauna McMahon will explore the next big challenges in digital and address ‘are we slowly losing the battle or making advances in digital?’ Shauna will share her experiences moving to Newcastle the ongoing work to digitize the patient and end user experience. Learn from her approach to collaboration internally, within the region and with The Great North Health Care Alliance. Sir Jim Mackey will address the wider regional and national challenges whilst sharing his experience of being CEO at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NFT.

    Jon Hoeksma

    Chair: Jon Hoeksma

    Chief Executive, Digital Health
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    Sir Jim Mackey

    Chief Executive, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS FT
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    Shauna McMahon Photo

    Shauna McMahon

    Chief Information Officer and Executive Board Member, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS FT
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    Samantha Robinson

    Associate Director of Live Services – NHS England
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    July 18 @ 09:15
    09:15 — 10:00

    Shauna McMahon, Sir Jim Mackey
